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Realize SpiritualOneness

Duration:1 day (8 hours approximately)

Eligibility:Basic Pranic Healing (Level 1)

Course Description

Find out the inner meaning behind the many of the symbols and rituals of Hinduism. Access the spiritual energies of various Deities for self-growth and self-healing.

    Who should attend?

    Anyone who has a curious bent of mind and is looking to widen their horizon to gain greater wisdom and understanding.

      What will you learn

        • Hidden meaning of Ganesh with an Elephant Head and its connection with Kundalini Shakti
        • Understand the secret behind Shiva and Krishna shown with blue skin and use that to accelerate our Spiritual Development.
        • Learn and harness Hanuman's Secret of Power!
        • Discover the Secrets of key Hindu Mantras: -
        • To access the power aspect of the soul.
        • For divine guidance and divine protection.
        • To attract abundance and prosperity.
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